Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where can I find my tracking number?
    Simply log in to your customer account in the "History and details of my orders" section. Click on the relevant order (click "details" button). At the bottom of the page, you will find information about the shipment of your order.

  2. How do I download my free monthly pattern or downloadable patterns (pdf)?
    A link will be e-mailed to you to download your patterns. If you don't receive it, just log in to your customer account in the "History and details of my orders" section. Click on the relevant order (click "details" button). Downloadable patterns are highlighted in pink. Just click on them to start the download. They can only be downloaded on a computer.

  3. Can I request a different free pattern than the one for the current month?
    Chibi Hour provides one free pattern per month. This cannot be changed for another pattern, even if you place multiple orders in the same month. Thank you for your understanding.

  4. Can I request a modification to a downloadable pattern (change from black and white to color, change of colors...)?
    This is not possible due to the workload it entails. Thank you for your understanding.

  5. I haven't received a response to my message. What should I do?
    Chibi Hour is a small family business. We handle messages every Wednesday (excluding holidays, vacations, etc.). Thank you for your patience. Chibi Hour will not respond to messages for which the answers are already provided in this FAQ. Only messages on the website will be processed.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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